Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Furby Black Review

Review From User
4.0 out of 5 stars Fun for everyoneJune 20, 2013
The original Furbies came out in the 90s and were a big hit.
The newest models build on the success of the 1990s generation.
Furbies always responded to noises, being picked up, etc., but the new ones also have an iPod App, a tail, and some additional sensors on the body.
These new ones also move around their middles, shaking, curling, etc.
There is a lot more personality with the new Furbies. It has a variety of voices and many more choices for reactions.
All in all, it is a great toy for kids of all ages.
One caveat, while the new Furby is more rugged than the ones I remember from my kids' days, it is still not a good idea to get the Furby wet, and certainly do not have your child take it swimming! (I remember when my oldest child was learning about cups and drinking in the mid-80s and liked the computer so much that she decided to be nice and give it a drink.)
5.0 out of 5 stars Easy for child to useJune 19, 2013
Worked right away ease of use and my niece loved playing with it. Good instructions, app easy to get and use

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